Law Alumni Connection



How can I tell if a judge accepts OSCAR applications?

Any judge who is listed in blue has registered with the OSCAR system (grayed out judges have never registered with OSCAR). If a judge has an available position, a method of application will be noted. Some judges only accept paper applications — this will be indicated with a mailbox next to the name. Judges listed in blue with a globe next to the name accept OSCAR applications.

The judge I am interested accepts OSCAR applications, but I do not see a spot to apply — why?

Not all judges who accept OSCAR applications will have positions available every year. You may only apply to judges via OSCAR who list available positions on the system. If an OSCAR judge is not hiring, we will note that fact in CARS.

I have created a list of judges, so why can’t my faculty recommenders load their letters of recommendation?

You must create a draft application for each judge in order to trigger the recommendation request. To create a draft application, click on the “clerkship details” tab for each judge and you will see a “build an application” option to the right (this only works if the judge has open positions). At this point, you can trigger a draft application by uploading one document and choosing your recommenders for each judge. You can finalize the rest of the application at any time before the due date.

I created draft applications, why are my pending recommendation requests still not viewable?

You need to choose recommenders for each judge to whom you are applying. If you have already entered your recommenders under the recommender tab, go into each draft application and make sure that the appropriate recommenders are checked for each judge. Until these boxes are checked, the recommendation requests will not be viewable.

One of my recommenders is not a faculty member. How can I upload his materials to OSCAR?

OSCAR is available to all of your recommenders, whether they are faculty or not. For non-faculty, please select “add a new recommender” under the recommender tab and enter an email address. OSCAR will send an instructional email to the recommender.

Can I finalize my applications before my letters of recommendation are uploaded?

While your letters of recommendation can be attached after the application is finalized (as long as the recommendation request is pending), it is generally not a good idea to finalize your application until all of the materials are in. Judges often download/print applications as they are finalized, and they are not likely to check back to see if you have added more material. Additionally, while your request is pending, recommenders may make changes to their letters, even after they have been uploaded. Once you finalize the application, the recommenders may not change their uploaded letters, even if they find a mistake (which happens not infrequently).

What if a judge I wish to apply to opts into OSCAR after I have submitted a paper application?

If a judge on your list switched from paper applications to OSCAR applications, you should re-apply to the judge via OSCAR. Please notify both your recommenders and the clerkship office when this happens so the paper letters can be pulled and the appropriate letters uploaded to your new OSCAR application.

What if an OSCAR judge opens a new opportunity after the deadline?

You may continue to add new OSCAR judges, so long as they were not previously available, at any time. To make sure that your letters are uploaded, please contact both your recommenders and the clerkship office when this happens.

How do I upload my transcript onto OSCAR?

OSCAR does not allow applicants to upload a transcript. When you enter your information on OSCAR, you will be asked to create a grade sheet.

What can I do if I find a mistake in my application after I have finalized it?

OSCAR can reset your application to draft form for you. You may then make any corrections and re-finalize the application. Do NOT withdraw your application. Once you have done this, you may not re-apply to the same judge.

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